Makanan khas Indonesia yang sudah dipublikasi dalam jurnal internasional (< JUNI 2018)

3:07 AM

Makanan tradisional Indonesia tentu harus ditelusuri sejarahnya dan dilestarikan agar tidak hilang atau bahkan diklaim oleh negara-negara lain menjadi makanan tradisional mereka. Salah satu cara untuk melestarikannya ialah mempublikasikannya kepada masyarakat melalui media sosial dan jurnal internasional. Berikut ini merupakan daftar beberapa jurnal terkait makanan khas Indonesia yang telah dipublikasikan skala internasional:

Handoyo, C. C., Clarissa, Claudia, G., Milka, & S. A. Firdayanti. 2018. Klappertaart: an Indonesian - Dutch influenced traditional food. Journal of Ethnic Foods 5 (2) : 147-152.

Rianti, A., Novenia, A. E., Christoper, A., Lestari, D., & E. K. Parassih. Ketupat as traditional food of Indonesian culture. Journal of Ethnic Foods 5 (1) : 4-9.

Nurmufida, M., Wangrimen, G. H., Reinalta, R., & K. Leonardi. 2017. Rendang: The treasure of Minangkabau. Journal of Ethnic Foods 4 (4) : 232-235.

Ainezzahira, A., Mudhita, C., Giovani, I., Buntoni, M. S., & J. Magdasari. 2017. Biochemistry and bioactive compounds on bamboo shoots as the main component in Lumpia Semarang. Journal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences 5 (3) : 25-28. 

Tjota, H. Owen, A., Defiana, Khairunnisa, S., & V. Handoko. 2017. Exploration of Kaledo as typical food in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences 5 (10) : 10-16.

Azima, F., Sayuti, K., & Novelina. 2016. The evaluation of nutritional value of Rendang Minangkabau. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 9 : 335 - 341.

Azima, F., Novelina, Rini. 2016. Chemical characteristic and fatty acid profile in Rendang Minangkabau. International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering Information Technology 6 (4) : 465-468.

Girsang, W. 2017. Sago food product development for food security in small islands, Maluku, Indonesia. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 8 (5) : 704-712.

Oktavianingsih, L., Surhayanto, E., Daryono, B. S., & Purnomo. 2017. Traditional usages of Taro (Colocasia spp.) by ethnic communities in Borneo. Biosaintifika 9 (2) : 248-256.
DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v9i2.9956

Sukenti, S., Hakim, L., Indriyani, S., Purwanto, Y., & P. J. Matthews, P.J. Ethnobotanical study on local cuisine of the Sasak tribe in Lombok Island, IndonesiaJ Ethnic Foods 3189–200

Silalahi, M., Supriatna, J., Walujo, E. B., & Nisyawati. 2015. Local knowledge of medicinal plants in sub-ethnic Batak Simalungun of North Sumatra, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 16: 44-54.

Suparthana, I.P., Perangin-angin, R.S., and Agung, I.G.N. Food safety and nutrients of Terites, a case study in Kabanjahe, the city of Karo Region, Sumatera Utara. Media Ilmiah Teknologi Pangan 2163–169

Purba, E. C., Silalahi, M., & Nisyawati. 2018. Gastronomic ethnobiology of “terites”—a traditional Batak Karo medicinal food: A ruminant's stomach content as a human food resource. Journal of Ethnic Foods 5 (2) : 114-120.

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